Sunday, January 29, 2012

January Hike

With little snow or frigid temperatures, it has hardly felt like winter! We went for a hike to enjoy the forecast: 60 degrees and sunny. 

Stone Mountain hike is a favorite with its multiple outlooks and historic homestead.

Beautiful... taking it all in.

The 600-foot granite dome that rock climbers tackle. 

Dome in the distance

Stone Mountain Summit: As I scoped out photog opportunities, Craig snapped a candid. 

Beautiful view with stone, water, trees and mountains. Love the reflection!

L.L. Bean product shot? 
"Take only pictures; leave only footprints."
- Anonymous 

Interesting holes built into the stone made for perfect 'steps'. 

Trees, mountains and sky!

“In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks.”
- John Muir

“Mountain hikes instilled in me a life-long urge to get to the top of any inviting summit or peak.”
- Paul D. Boyer

Hutchinson Homestead

Another hiker's dog who kept coming to say hi :)

First waterfall shot!

Then another one...

Interesting texture

Stone Mountain Falls

Cherishing it

Talking with another hiker: Both appreciative of the beautiful day and opportunity to enjoy it.

Ending the hike with a wildlife spotting, deer!

Great day getting outside and Cherishing the Little
~Katelyn Chapman

Friday, January 27, 2012

Stella and her Wine

Stella likes her wine! As I took the label off the empty wine bottle, she attacked the bottle like a hungry baby... so I ran for the camera to shoot her in action:)

She was really camera shy at first! She freaked out like the camera was a game: I'd get it focused, she'd pounce like below, and then run to the other side of the room before I had the chance to click.

She got over the "scary" camera and continued licking for leftover wine... definitely like her mother, Mary! 

Then she started posing. Work it Stella!

In her glory- loving her wine!

Ahh, relaxed...

 Haha! Cherishing the little
~Katelyn Chapman

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maine Water

Want beautiful water- ocean, lakes, and rivers? Maine's got it. Growing up with the Maine water in my backdoor, I didn't fully appreciate it. It wasn't until going to college when I started cherishing the little moments by the Maine water. 

I perused through my old shots and found some of my favorites. Enjoy!

Taking a stroll down Pine Point Beach at dusk. Fishermen hoping to get lucky and catch a big one for dinner. 

 The other side of Pine Point Beach toward Old Orchard Beach.

One of my all-time favorite places to go while in Maine, Fort Williams State Park. It's home to the oldest lighthouse in Maine, Portland Head Light. Such a great place for a picnic with family and friends!

Another perfect picnic spot is Portland Breakwater Light, more commonly known as "Bug Light."

Mt. Katahdin in the beautiful backdrop before white water rafting the Penobscot River.

Love taking the ferry to Peak's Island, a quick 3-miles from downtown Portland. Below is a view from one of the island's beaches.

My mom discovered a new gem for me, Fort Popham. She said I had to go with her and twisted my arm. When Roxanne is persistent, she usually has a valid reason... We went to Phippsburg to explore.

Built originally in 1861 for the Civil War, and then used again during the Spanish American War and World War I, you can feel the history.

Since I covered the ocean and river, it's time for a lake. So many great memories at "Big" and "Little" Sebago, Long Lake, and more.

Cheers to Cherishing the Little moments by the water
~Katelyn Chapman

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Baby Austin & Emma

I mentioned in my recent post, Symmetry, about cherishing the little moments with Baby Austin and Emma. 

It was priceless spending time with them over the holidays. Crazy how fast they grow up! Loving the updates via Facebook of them and all of the other new babies. Cheers to a new chapter in your life with a little one... and cherishing the little moments with them! Here are two of my favorite shots during the holiday vacation with dear Austin and Emma.

Austin Rhoads Tauro sitting in Pepere Gendron's lap.
Emma Claire Montoya creating her first reindeer (a Gendron family tradition). Not only a big smile on her face - but with everyone else. Love all the smiles sharing in the moment!
Thanks for Cherishing the Little ones
~Katelyn Chapman

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Huey the Horse

While catching up with my hometown friend, Michelle, we visited her horse. Ever since I've known Michelle, horses have been an integral part of her life... so I was excited to capture her with Huey.

The stable located on 100 acres of land. 
Michelle and her horse, Huey.

 Huey loved her left foot. He kept licking it... cracked me up! 
As we were leaving Huey (in the background), the other horses wanted attention. Michelle had a natural way with them.
Cheers to wonderful hometown friends and horses - Cherishing the Little things
~Katelyn Marie

Friday, January 20, 2012


Symmetry... Order... Balance.

I like it in my photography and strive for it in my life. I took this shot of the Washington Monument and absolutely love it. There's balance with the flags, marble monument, and even walkway.

Do you like symmetry, order, balance? How do you incorporate it into your life? I realized years ago that I can get so focused on achieving one thing that I let other areas slide. For example, academics- I would work so hard to achieve high marks and put loved ones, friends, fitness, and my health on hold. I pushed away the things that made me happy and healthy- balanced!

What things do I CHERISH the most? Memories made with loved ones... like holding baby Emma or Austin, struggling as a contestant on the annual Price is Right game, laughing during Bunco, catching up with a friend over coffee, or singing my heart out on a road trip.

Living without balance can only last so long. Kicking off 2012, I invite you to think about what you need to keep symmetry? What do you do to maintain it?

Thanks for Cherishing the Little
~Katelyn Chapman